Illustrative man and woman wearing headsets and providing online customer support with laptops

How to Create an Unmatched Customer Experience, like Amazon

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5 key takeaways from Amazon’s CX to improve your customer service strategy.


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Young Black woman sits outside a cafe and smiles at her smartphone as she makes an online purchase

Benefits of On-Demand Virtual Customer Service

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Reduce costs and increase revenue while still providing excellent CX.


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CIOCoverage Chooses Working Solutions as One to Watch

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Listed in the Top 10, Working Solutions provides outsourced, on-demand CX services.


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Black woman sits in a cafe and smiles at her smartphone in her hand while holding a cup of coffee

Your Ultimate Guide to Customer Experience Strategy

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A seamless customer experience makes all the difference in your business’ success.


On-Demand Virtual Customer Service →

Airplane flies off into a beautiful sunset over the ocean

Improve Customer Service in Travel and Tourism

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Travel has become more challenging. Offering premium customer service elevates your business.


Improve Customer Service in Travel and Tourism →

Young woman wearing a headset and smiling at her computer

7 Steps to Avoid Giving Bad Customer Service

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Here’s how to build a customer service process that helps you branch…


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Canvas-printed photographs in a row on the mantle of a clean white indoor room

PlanetArt Case Study

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Working Solutions provides superior service from everyone on the team, from initial…


About PlanetArt Case Study →

Black woman looking down while on the phone

Recruiting, Education, and Development

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A focus on agent recruitment, education, and development helps you achieve the…


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Man and woman look down at a coastal cluster if island cities from a cliff far above

Sabre Case Study

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Working Solutions successfully supported travel client during times of growth and transition.


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Stylish businesswoman in white suit going up on the escalator outdoors with skyscrapers

Overview of Operations

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Working Solutions drives efficiency, increases sales, and positions your business for a…


Overview of Operations document →

Interaction Model

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Your customers expect a good brand experience regardless of situation or time…


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Benefits and Solutions

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Our solutions are designed to be flexible—maximizing growth opportunities and managing day-to-day…


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