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Do offshore call center services benefit business?


virtual call center, customer experience, contact center flexible business


Politics aside, the decision to use offshore vs. onshore call center services is a pragmatic one for any business.

It’s a decision that’s close to home here in the United States. Especially these days, as more consumers—dissatisfied with subpar, offshore customer service—switch companies in protest.

Read that: Lost revenue and reputation.

At Working Solutions, the formula for client success is as obvious as it is proven, by us for more than 20 years. The more efficient your contact center operations, the higher quality of service and satisfaction delivered.

The old adage of pennywise and pound-foolish certainly applies if cutting costs now ends up damaging your brand later. Negative net promoter scores, fueled by social media, can harm a company’s good standing fast.

So, before looking in the rear-view mirror with regret, look ahead with a little forward thinking. To help, we’ve done a brief, here-vs.-there cost comparison.

It’s not fancy. Just shows a few numbers and benefits that warrant a closer look at onshore benefits vs. offshore costs.

