
Welcome to Working Solutions. We offer independent contractor, work-at-home opportunities for folks located in either the United States or Canada.

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Customer Experience Consulting

Expertise To Solve Real-World CX Problems

Smart businesses want to elevate their customer experiences (CX). And they welcome outside expertise to do so. Provided it’s affordable, practical, and most of all, achievable. Our proven consultative services deliver all three—within budget, on time and on target.

Consulting that measurably improves your CX

Educating Contact Center Agents to Excel

From the virtual classroom to in-house CX operations, Working Solutions offers your business strategic consulting to attract, train and retain the best contact center agents.

Consulting That Advances Your Business

Inflation is causing companies to streamline operations. They turn to experts like us for best practices to optimize performance while keeping services internal. A consultation can be enterprise-wide or specific to one aspect of your CX operations. The choice is yours.

CX Recruiting Consulting: Securing the Best Talent

Two issues plague CX operations: finding and keeping quality agents. We specialize in both. Rigorous recruitment and ongoing development of great ones who come and stay. Using proven processes, we’ll show you how to staff up fast and sustain superb service.

Benefit – 36% Reduction: Our modern application-and-assessment technology is designed for hiring remote, independent contractors as contact center agents. With automated pre-screening, top candidates are vetted during the initial process. In one case, 94,000 applicants were reduced by 36%. We can help you achieve similar results.

CX Training Consulting: Developing Brand Advocates

Agents well-educated in a client’s business believe in the brand they serve. It’s an ongoing process, reinforcing earlier lessons to deepen knowledge. Done right, agent development is evergreen. We’ll explain how to nurture brand advocates and students of the business.

Benefit – 92% KPIs Met or Exceeded: Thirty days after initial agent training, educators use strategic advanced learning techniques (SALT) to increase motivation and performance. This enables us to achieve and surpass key performance metrics (KPIs).

CX Operations Consulting: Ensuring Top Performance

Investing in agents engenders longevity, which reduces workforce turnover. Retained agents know a client’s business better. Their insight increases customer satisfaction and sales. The payoff is operational excellence. Know-how that we’re glad to share.

Benefit – < 10% Monthly Attrition: We maintain steadfast workforces, with virtual agents who celebrate anniversaries of 5, 10 and 15 years. Some even 20. In 2023, monthly attrition measured 9.6%—and dropped as low as 5% on some client programs. Our experts can help you achieve success with your business and agents.

CX Strategy Consulting: Providing Guidance to your Team as Needed

Keep in mind, the scope of the work can be broad, spanning different CX functions, or focused on one part of your operations.

Enterprise-wide: Based on our blueprints for excellence, we can do a far-reaching proposal covering your entire customer-service operations. It could encompass recruiting the best agents, educating them in the virtual classroom and performing to your expectations—down to the minute and metric.

Function-Specific: A consultation also could be targeted to perfect a particular piece of your business. For example, improving speed to efficiency for agents during training. Whatever your need, our workforce experts can formulate a practical plan to achieve it.

Customized CX Consulting Process

Our CX experts have created tailored, consulting plans for clients across all industries; providing them with the processes and tools they need to help elevate their customer service. For each engagement, strategies are laid out along with a step by step approach.

Our three step consulting process:

Client Interview with CX Expert

An industry consultant conducts a detailed Q&A to undercover your service issues and needs.

The information is reviewed by an integrated CX team for a discovery meeting of facts and findings.

Consultation with CX Team

Our cross-functional CX team ensures understanding and develops a broad plan of action looking at people, processes and tools to address your needs.

Scope of Work, Costs and Time

Recommendations are made across all CX functions; focusing on recruiting, education and operations.

Proposed solutions are given, along with estimated costs and timeframe.

Our Secret Sauce Can Be Yours

A secret sauce. Every great company has one locked away—a proven recipe for success. Coke and its Classic taste. Bush’s Baked Beans… and no, the dog ain’t talkin’.

At Working Solutions, we’re different. We like to share. We’ll tell you how to achieve great customer experiences by leveraging your own teams.

After all, we’ve been doing it for almost 30 years.

What’s in the Secret Sauce →


There is no charge for an upfront consultation with our experts to optimize your operations. During it, you’ll confer with Working Solutions CX teams to lay out the project groundwork and goals in broad strokes. It’s an exploratory exchange to best understand the opportunities within your specific needs.

Working Solutions’ expertise as a virtual contact center outsourcer spans the entire range of services—from recruiting the best agents to educating them in your business to performing to exacting metrics. We can offer you a consultative solution for one just one part of your business, such as agent education, or propose an enterprise plan that improves the entire CX workflow.

Right off, an initial consultation takes about a day, with follow-on sessions later to clarify and assess client data. The process involves a series of discussions to understand the scope of work and desired outcomes. A high-level proposal is then put together, outlining objectives, timelines and costs. Working with the client team, introducing the solution methodology in-house could take a week or two. Costs are dependent on project complexity.
