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Customer Experience Consulting

Enterprise-Grade Agent Training and Development Consulting for Long-Term Success

Elevate your business and brand with superb CX

Challenges You Face. Solutions You Need.

Fuel service excellence with agent-education solutions designed to increase your business efficiency, reduce workforce-training costs and elevate every customer experience (CX). Our proven consultative services deliver all three—within budget, on time and on target.

Constraints That Shortchange Customer Care

Rapidly evolving customer expectations and AI-driven technology shifts make it difficult for customer service teams to keep up—much less, to stay ahead. Many organizations struggle with outdated training methods, inconsistent onboarding and a lack of clear pathways to develop future-ready CX workforces. This can drive up costs, reduce productivity and erode customer satisfaction.

The downside: Diminished business and brand.

Proven Solutions That Measurably Improve CX

Drawing on decades of best-practice expertise, we deliver performance-improving, AI-enabled education and development for contact center agents. Our proven programs are tailored to your organization’s unique needs—ensuring your workforce remains fluid, always engaged and ready to please customers. We empower you to overcome today’s CX challenges and anticipate tomorrow’s by streamlining training, developing leadership skills and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

The upside: Double-digit performance improvements.

From the virtual classroom to in-house CX operations, Working Solutions offers your business strategic consulting created over several decades to attract, train and retain the best contact center agents. In particular, our expertise in developing and educating high-quality CX agents often is cited by clients, industry analysts and influencers

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Proven Expertise

Trained thousands of contact center agents across every major vertical and industry. In 2024, surveys of agents taught in the virtual classroom averaged 95% per class for satisfaction.

Retained Workforces

Lowered class attrition rates by 13% throughout the year. Retaining more agents stabilizes client workforces. Also accelerates speed to efficiency, ensuring consistent service and customer experiences (CX).

Measurable Results

Reduced training delivery times and costs by over 30% which boosted agent productivity and clients’ key performance indicators (KPIs). Last year, 90% of agent classes exceeded those metrics.

Our Core Training Services

For decades, we have provided high-quality education and development for contact center agents. Today, we continue to lead the industry, introducing virtual-classroom innovations for remote workforces.

Performance Enhancement

Tailored workshops and diagnostics that boost productivity and agent proficiency. Learning is geared toward all kinds of learners—visual, auditory, kinesthetic and others in the virtual classroom, group interactions and one-on-one coaching.

Leadership Development

Cultivate strong, inspiring CX leaders among your teams. Our frontline management is known for excellent work—and are willing to share it.

Technology-Driven Training

AI-powered, immersive learning to accelerate skill-building. Aided by artificial intelligence, agents have customer intel at their fingertips for rapid response.

Continuous Learning Culture

Foster ongoing development and employee engagement. This includes strategic agent learning techniques (SALT), for which we are recognized.

Experience Unparalleled Scalability

Equip agents to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Well-trained agents combine efficiency and empathy, identifying with the customers they serve. Watch Video →

Blueprints for Excellence

Many of our company’s educational techniques for CX workforces are sought by clients to use in-house. We can show you how to implement them, improving your own team’ s performance. Our blueprints for excellence include:


Innovative Design

Bespoke learning aligned with your strategic goals.

Effective Delivery

Seamless program rollouts, minimizing downtime.

Tech Integration

Leveraged, cutting-edge tools that boost training outcomes.

Coaching and Support

Ongoing guidance, ensuring sustainable success.

Proven Results and Credibility

Ultimately, our success is measured by client success. That requires recruiting the most-skilled workers, immersing them in a client’s culture and offerings, and ensuring agents’ ongoing development. We do all three well for the best client CX and satisfied customers.

Recognized Expertise

Decades of award-winning training solutions. We know how to attract and retain the best talent. Agents celebrate anniversaries of 5, 10, 15 and even 20 years.

Client Success Stories

Real-world transformations that strengthen brands and improve outcomes for clients and their customers. Be it for tax preparation, pet pharma or senior care.

Thought Leadership

Resources and insights at the ready that keep operations up and running. Our leaders discuss how we helped a client in the wake of a disaster with responsive training and operations. Watch Video →


There is no charge for an upfront consultation with our experts to optimize your operations. During it, you’ll confer with Working Solutions CX teams to lay out the project groundwork and goals in broad strokes. It’s an exploratory exchange to best understand the opportunities within your specific needs.

Working Solutions’ expertise as a virtual contact center outsourcer spans the entire range of services—from recruiting the best agents to educating them in your business to performing to exacting metrics. We can offer you a consultative solution for one just one part of your business, such as agent education, or propose an enterprise plan that improves the entire CX workflow.

Right off, an initial consultation takes about a day, with follow-on sessions later to clarify and assess client data. The process involves a series of discussions to understand the scope of work and desired outcomes. A high-level proposal is then put together, outlining objectives, timelines and costs. Working with the client team, introducing the solution methodology in-house could take a week or two. Costs are dependent on project complexity.
