Call Center Outsourcing1.5-minute read
Happy Employees: It’s All in the Math
Working Solutions was named among the Best Places to Work in North Texas by the Dallas Business Journal this week, placing #11 from hundreds of nominations. Winning companies’ rankings were based on an indexed score created from employee responses to a survey conducted by Quantum Workplace.
Upon accepting this honor, Working Solutions’ founder and chief executive Kim Houlne had this to say: “Our culture is unique. It works this way: happy employees and agents equal pleased clients and satisfied customers. Simple math, really. You get what you give — and often, many times over.”
She couldn’t be more right. Especially if you believe the experts in measuring employee happiness.
Consider these statistics from thinktank iOpener Institute:
- Happy employees stay with their companies four times longer than their unhappy counterparts.
- Employees that are happy in their organization commit twice as much time to their tasks than those that aren’t happy.
- Happy team members have 65% more energy than unhappy employees.
“Happy team members have 65% more energy than unhappy employees.” Share on X
Work output also improves with workplace happiness. According to a study by the University of Warwick, promoting happiness in the office can raise productivity up to 12 per cent.
And, in his book The Happiness Advantage author Shawn Achor stated: “…. the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a happy and engaged workforce. A decade of research proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and accuracy on tasks by 19%, as well as a myriad of health and quality of life improvements.”
Clearly Kim is right – the math speaks for itself. Not only are happy employees happy – they make for happy clients and satisfied customers as well. And that’s something Working Solutions cares about 100%.
Learn how Working Solutions makes remote work real.
Contact us. Published on October 28, 2019
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